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Posted August 20, 2009

Old Faithful

Old Faithful geyser has been around for a long time. Located in the Yellowstone National Park, it's located next to the Beehive geyser. Waiting around for Old Faithful to erupt can be uncomfortable on a hot day. Imagine being close to the geyser that erupts 20 times a day with a steam temperature of between 204-350 degrees in farenheit. During a short burst of 1.5 minutes, 3,700 gallons are propelled into the sky and a long burst emits 8,400 for a duration of 4.5 minutes.

For kids, there are programs where they can become junior rangers and young scientists allowing them to study the attributes of Old Faithful along with other geysers in the park.

For instance, the height of Old Faithful during an eruption is from 100-180 feet with an average near 130-140 feet. Eruptions normally last between 1.5 to 5 minutes. The mathematical average between eruptions of Old faithful is currently 74 minutes. But when has a geyser been faithful?

Which of course, brings me back to God since He has all of the answers, as I wait and wait and wait.

Knowing God is more faithful than a geyser, I look up some of the verses that pertain to His faithfulness.

Dt 32:4 - He is the rock, his works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He.

2 Sam 22:26 - To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless, to the pure you show yourself pure, but to the crooked you show yourself shrewd.

Ps 37:28 - For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones. They will be protected forever, but the offspring of the wicked will be cut off.

Ps 145:13 - The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made.

And these are only a handful of the many verses on God's faithfulness. In looking deeper, I believe the key is, we have to be faithful as well. God was and is a covenant God - a covenant being a promise between one or more persons. That means we are required to promise something in return. He has our back, we must also have His.

Someone might say, He's God - He doesn't need us to stand up for Him. But, He chose to work through men and women here on earth which is part of His plan.

Taking a closer look at these verses, I find key words and phrases; promises, His ways are just, pure and blameless, faithful ones.

Not only is God - Old Faithful - we have to be the faithful ones as well.

It's like being a junior ranger or a young scientist. To know more about the subject of Old Faithful, I must take a deeper look and study His attributes just as a young scientist or junior ranger would study a geyser. In the Bible, God doesn't tell us everything He's going to do, but He tells us a lot and how to prepare.

Yikes! I just hope I'm clear of the blow hole!

Note: For a virtual tour of the next eruption of Yellowstone Park's Old Faithful, go to their Live Streaming Video Webcam http://www.nps.gov/yell/photosmultimedia/yellowstonelive.htm

It requires a windows media player.

For a virtual realtime tour of the Old Faithful who created Yellowstone's Old Faithful, open a Bible and study His attributes.

It requires a Bible and fanny time in a chair.

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